Program 2019-2020:
From Striving to Thriving:
How to Grow Confident, Capable Readers
Stephanie Harvey & Annie Ward
"Annie T. Ward has served as the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction for the Mamaroneck Public Schools in Westchester County, New York, since 2004. Prior to that, she was a local instructional superintendent for the New York City Department of Education and the supervisor of curriculum and instruction for the Ridgewood, New Jersey Public Schools. A longtime middle-school English teacher, Annie is passionate about literacy and works to ensure that all children have abundant daily access to irresistible and compelling books. Annie’s office library includes lots of nonfiction books about dogs and unusual animal friendships, which captivate striving readers."
Taken from Scholastic Book Fairs website |
Postponed Stephanie Harvey
April 18, 2020 Postponed "Stephanie Harvey is passionate about literacy. Whatever the size of the group, 500 teachers at a national conference, 50 administrators in a district workshop, or 25 students on the floor, Stephanie brings something special when she talks about literacy. Passion . Described by a colleague as “a gregarious, inquisitive, compassionate woman with boundless energy and a storyns for every occasion”, she is an author, educator and an enthusiastic advocate for kids and for those who teach them to read, write , question, think and understand. As Stephanie says, “Passion and wonder are contagious. No better way to fire up our kids than to share our own passion for and wonder about the world and all it has to offer.” She believes that schools need to be havens for thinking, incubators for deep thought and kindling for curiosity and inquiry."
Taken from Stephanie Harvey Consulting website |
Both sessions will be held at Tyler Run Elementary, Olentangy Local Schools.
Continental breakfast 8:00AM with presentation 8:30AM-2:30PM.
Lunch break on your own from 11:30PM-1:00PM.
Tyler Run Elementary 580 Salisbury Drive Powell, OH 43065
To Register
Download Registration Form
And Pay by:
Purchase Order
PayPal on our website
Download Registration Form
And Pay by:
Purchase Order
PayPal on our website
Total program cost for 2 sessions is $150 or $75 for one session. The cost of the featured book is not part of registration payment this year. The book will be available for purchase at each session from Selections Books, LLC.
To complete registration after payment, please download the registration form and follow directions on the form to scan or snail mail to Kathleen Taps.
We regret that we will not be able to make refunds. Questions may be addressed to Kathleen Taps at [email protected].
Total program cost for 2 sessions is $150 or $75 for one session. The cost of the featured book is not part of registration payment this year. The book will be available for purchase at each session from Selections Books, LLC.
To complete registration after payment, please download the registration form and follow directions on the form to scan or snail mail to Kathleen Taps.
We regret that we will not be able to make refunds. Questions may be addressed to Kathleen Taps at [email protected].